Iwill kk266PlusR
2 40Gb 60GXP's (64k stripe)
Elsa GFII Ultra @ 333/520
TBird 1400 @ 1533
768Mb RAM @ 153 Cas2
Win2k Pro (SP2)
Detonator 22.50's
3dMark2001 5372 (Default)
3dMark2000 10110 (Default)
Suck my plumbs all you rich gits with GF3's :P
I thought this was pretty good for a 750 Mhz machine
Asus K7V
Athlon 750 Mhz
384Mb PC133 RAM
Creative GeForce 2 GTS
3DMark2001 score: 2467
Ultimate Member
Jimstep is correct: These benchmarks are meaningless unless all tests were done with same settings (Default).
Heh, I'm writing a review on my GF3 Ti500 for a couple friends, all my tests were run at default settings, I have scores of 2 sets of drivers using either an overclocked CPU or overclocked GPU or both overclocked.
When I got a score of 8054 my cpu was running at 1.643ghz and my GF3 was at 263mhz core 583mhz memory using the 2181 drivers on WinME :-)
The reason I'm testing 2 sets is because I think the 2183 drivers are faster and those drivers don't work with the features of the asus deluxe, so I'm getting both scores so people can determine weather they want the card just for speed, or just to use the features.
Here are the default settings I ran
Rendering Platform: ASUS V8200 Series v21.81
Resolution and color depth: 1024x768 32bit color
Antialiasing: None
Frame Buffer: Double
Texture Format: Compressed
Z-Buffer Depth: 24bit
Rendering Pipeline: D3D Pure Hardware T&L
3DMark2001 Scores:
1024x768 32bit color
No Antialiasing
Frame Buffer: Double
Texture Format: Compressed
Z-Buffer Depth: 32bit
D3D Pure Hardware T&L
Basically, the default settings.
Voodoo3 2000 - 1404 (D3D Hardware T&L)
GeForce2 Ti - 4404 (D3D Hardware T&L)
GeForce3 Ti 200 - 5717
GeForce3 Ti 200 - 6197 oc from 175Mhz to 233Mhz @ 1.4Ghz
GeForce3 Ti 200 - 6723 oc from 175Mhz to 233Mhz @ 1.533Ghz
GeForce3 Ti 200 - 3510 at 1600x1200 32bit Color, Triple buffer
Last edited by Jimstep; 11-16-2001 at 07:46 AM.
1.4 ghz t-bird
512 pc 2400 corsair ddr
Radeon 8500
Abit kg7
3DMark 2k1 score =7020(something on those lines i cant remamber exact number I know it was close to that though).
Used 1024x768,32bit color, Triple frame buffer, 32bit textures, 32bit zbuffer, D3D Pure Hardware T&L. Using latest 8500 drivers.
much better than my voodoo5 (got about 2500 with that bad boy on same system).
e-mail: jmagikal@swbell.net
T-bird 1.4 on abit kg7
256 corsair 2400 ddr
Voodoo5 5500
IBM 20.5gb hdd
IBM 23.5gb hdd
IBM 40gb hdd
Teac 12x10x32
48X Cdrom
Score: 982
Athlon Classic 650 mHz
256 PC133 RAM
Diamond Stealth III S540 video card
Hewlett Packard A4032A Super VGA monitor
Display was set at 800X600 resolution, 16 bit true color
I had to fool with the display settings to get the number up. The program was originally set at 1024X724X32. I've got a 17" monitor.....I can't see the text at that setting.....at least not very well.
I don't have a single game on my computer, but I do strive for maximum performance. But, not being a gamer, a GeForce is out of the question until the prices come down a bit.
I've got other things I need to get first. Like a new MB and processor.
i got 1296...
sup guys
athlon xp 1600@
gigabyte ga7-dx
512 ddr ecc ram
radeon 8500
promise raid ata 100
2 wd 40 gig 7200rpm ultra ata 100 drives
xgamer 5.1
windows xp home
proformance test bench mark 303.7
3d mark 2000 @ 1024x768 32 bit 12063
3dmark 2001 @ 1024x768 32 bit 9146
aa off on 3d mark test
and using the new radeon 8500 drivers that boosted card
profomance big time and actived smooth vision
Last edited by Lush; 11-28-2001 at 01:50 AM.
Here are my 3dMark 2001 Results:
Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000
DirectX Version 8.00
Mobo Manufacturer Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.
Mobo Model 7VTX-P
CPU AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1533 Mhz (1800 plus)
FSB 133 MHz
523 MB PC2100 DDR RAM
3D Accelerator NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 500
Graphics Chipset NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 500
Driver Version
Video Memory 64 MB
Resolution 1024x768 32bit
Texture Format Compressed
FSAA Disabled
Z-Buffer Depth 32bit
Frame Buffer Double
Rendering Pipeline D3D Pure Hardware T&L
3DMark Result 7990 3D marks
Game 1 Car Chase - Low Detail 126.5 FPS
Game 1 Car Chase - High Detail 48.4 FPS
Game 2 Dragothic - Low Detail 120.2 FPS
Game 2 Dragothic - High Detail 65.2 FPS
Game 3 Lobby - Low Detail 125.4 FPS
Game 3 Lobby - High Detail 58.6 FPS
Game 4 Nature 41.0 FPS
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 867.3 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 1728.8 MTexels/s
High Polygon Count (1 light) 19.9 MTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 lights) 4.0 MTriangles/s
Environment Bump Mapping 146.5 FPS
DOT3 Bump Mapping 136.4 FPS
Vertex Shader Speed 54.4 FPS
Pixel Shader Speed 97.8 FPS
Point Sprite Speed 24.3 MSprites/s
OK this has to be the BEST score ever!!!
A friend of mine has the most awesome score, and i've checked all of the scores here. It beats them hands down!!
Celeron 400 @ 450
384 Megs SDRAM Cas 2
800 x 600 x 16 = 355!!!!!!!
lets see someone beat that!!!
3DMark2001 score
My latest score: 6708
GigaByte GA-7DXR
1.4/266 GHz T-Bird
512 mb DDR RAM
Seagate Barracuda III's @ ATA100
64 mb Hercules GeForce 3 Prophet 3D
SB Audigy X-Gamer
CL Inspire 5300 digital 5.1 speakers
Win2K Pro
Last edited by EvilPeppard; 11-29-2001 at 12:18 PM.
GigaByte GA-7DXR
1.4/266 GHz T-Bird
512 mb DDR RAM
Seagate Barracuda III's @ ATA100
64 mb Hercules GeForce 3 Prophet 3D
SB Audigy X-Gamer
CL Inspire 5300 digital 5.1 speakers
WinXP Pro
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