Athlon TB 1.4GGhz
MSI K7T266 Pro Mobo
512mb Crucial PC2100 DDR
Geforce2 MX 400
3DMark2001@default setting - 2421
3DMARK2001 =3511
3dmark 2000=7667
tbird 1gig/clk1530mhz 150fsb
256 crucial ddr
gforce256 pro clk162/ 362
30gig ata 100 7200rpm
400watt macron psu
Last edited by WSK; 10-15-2001 at 10:54 AM.
512 Mb SDRAM
64Mb Geforce Plus
30 Gig Quantum ATA66
Have to get a new machine soon...
Ultimate Member
Duron 700Mhz @ 950Mhz
256MBs pc-1600 DDR
Radeon LE
P3 700@700 (Slot 1 )
320 MB PC100 RAM
Radeon SE (64 DDR 200/200) with 5.13.3224
Windows XP RC2
Score: 2720 or thereabouts
Ultimate Member
Just oc'ed my Duron to 103x9.5 988Mhz. Increased the score to a little over 2900! I'm going for 3000
My system config:
AMD Athlon 700 @ 770
256Mb PC100 SDRAM CAS-3
20Gb Hard Drive UATA/100 7200RPM
GeForce2 MX Original 32Mb @ 200/200
Windows 2000
3DMark 2001 Score: ~2500
Ultimate Member
3dMark 2001 - 1020
Atrend ATC - 6220
Intel Pentium II @ 450MHZ
192MB 100mhzSDRAM
Ok, my computer is having trouble..someone please give me some suggestions
My system:
CeleronII 700 o/c @ 1076 (102x105)
Ge-force2 MX400 det 18.30
512 pc-133
20 gig Seagate @ 7200
Before i overclocked i got scores off like 800. I know my computer is running better and faster but i am getting scores of 615-620, Why?
My Sisoft scores increased to:
Whetstone: 2837
Dhrystone: 1410
Your scores should be higher then that. Have you tryed to uninstall 3dmark3001 and get a new fresh version? Might help?
Abit KG7
Micron 256 CL2 DDR
Athlon 1.4@1.55 (11x141)
MSI GF2 Pro 64mb DDR
3dmark 2001 ~5700
3dmark 2k- 11,410
1.33 Gig Athlon
512 DDR 2100
Soyo Dragon
2x 80 Gig Maxtor @7200 in RAID
ATI Radeon 8500
3DMARK2001 @ default settings = 7038
3D Benchmark 2001
AMD Athlon 1.4 GHZ @ 266 FSB
Asus a7v 133 Motherboard
768 Meg PC 133
G-Force 2 Ultra
Ran the Default Benchmark = 3954
My Specs:
Intel Pentium 1.4ghz (stock clock)
768 megs PC800 RDRAM
Visiontek GeForce 3 (stock clock)
Optimized Win2K w/SP2
IBM Ultrastar 18.1gig Ultra160
My Score with highest quality video settings = 6227
Not bad for a Pentium eh...?
6196 with win XP and 1024*768 by 32
since my sig won't work-
Abit KG7 L
256MB 2100
Geforce 3
60GXP 40GB
Last edited by Dimble ThriceFo; 10-30-2001 at 09:23 AM.
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