New universal Sata/NVMe SSD enclosure. strange behavior of showing up/non-showing up my Intenso-stick in Datenträgerverwaltung.
mounted that stick into new icybox IB-1817MC-C31 enclosure and could show up write-protected drive.
but afterwards its not showing up again. restarted replugged nothing helped.
I have a second intenso-stick which is showing a flashlight when in service. the "defective" one seems not to have it.
Had the stick also in cloning-docking-station. doesnt show up there too. yes also cleaned the contact.
is it definitively dead?
device showed up on 7 port hub. as E.
its online and working but no access there.
chdsk says no direct access.
chkdsk e: /f /r /x tried see link.
it showing up everywhere with a little delay.
will reretry with direct usb- c attached method.
which software can help. maybe i must pay.
recover it
easeus partition manager?
the latter is installed.
found out on other fully working Ultrabook Acer Spin 1-111 also attached on external screen.
Access to Bios Yes or No?
1. Wireless Keyboard- NO
2. usb-keyboard -YES!!
but i didnt see settings for M2.sata.ssd. no wonder its attached externally.
found a solution where one is leaving bios open for 30,min. to heal the stick. must forget that.
maybe only working when i have the right pc.
Ultrabook Acer Swift 5
Both screen and Keyboard dead:¨
Both Wireless KB and US-Keyboard do no show BIOS. manual telling i can enter with F2.
Maybe i must wait longer.
software all didnt show external drive.
I am now in acerforum hoping for help.
they idea
AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard?
they say trial. and tell its working without formatting/losing data.
Empty after formatting. PArtition recovery under way. deep scanning. Not one word about that.
deepscanning 2 tb sata about 15hrs.
demo does that means i cannot recover?
this one is one time paying not yearly 50% more expensive.
How about using Testdisk?
Or booting from a live dvd -knoppix-stick?
sata-hhd is now formatted. from Raw. retrieving data under way. 15hrs in total.
which track i have in mind is wrong?
getting paid version an option. yearly one by Aomei. another 15 hrs rather not now. will try quicker knoppix solution on healthy ultrabook.
they are discussing-in german- a different situation. but same procedure which i must use. and more software mentioned. e.g Rstudio, Recuva(takes too long)
i used successfully testdisk. meanwhile its simpler to use.
will start with Rstudio or knoppix live dvd(stick). the latter helped me a lot.
after 15 hrs. overlapping partitions. cannot do anything. its a backup from an allready saved sata-hdd!!!maybe there also overlapping partitions. i dont think that. i left that one alone. used only normal old partitioned systemdrive to store data.
this one? disk drill 500mb for free
Last edited by europanorama; 04-16-2023 at 01:24 AM.
I interrrupted recuva portable started from stick after about 2 hrs and i could recover about 850 files. images/videos, pdfs. will check them.
got now their pro-version which must be installed. i told it would run for 2 days.
if i will run on my slow 4/64 celeron it could take even longer. will check.
 Originally Posted by Steve R Jones
Do you ALWAYS use the "safely remove" option when you unplug the drive?
Have you tried hooking it up internally to see if it can be read?
yes will get new pc and try that out with my dead stick. i was really successful reviving Sata-drives this way(among other software-dos-surface-solution).
will get soon newest raysonic-icybox cloning-station(SSD/M2-combination not direct). also have newest docking station by them and recognized interesting behaviour when M2.sata ssd(good one) was attached. it will not show up on USB-3.1 slot ONLY ON 3.0!
Willl try again working with adapter. Aomei Partition Assistant is a big lie. telling people data can be retrieved even when formatted. on the other hand warning in the intro that Pro-Datarecovery is needed. Overlapping partitions avoid further recovering after 14 hrs of deep scanning.
on adapter drive is errorfree visible but empty. now connected to usb-A of laptop. testdisk interrupted due to electric shut down....
I am in their german forum.expecting for help.
https://youtu.be/Qm1rPiSDTAo german
it seems this is the solution: Testdisk reestablishing,writing partition table.
He is showing the same for usb-drive and stick.
He himself deleted data. and used diskpart and clean.
Me i didnt delete anything. Must i go directly to testdisk(i know it and used it succesfully)?
would the clean-maneuvre damage with my problem?
i would first copy data. 2TB -sata-drive but its still unclear if MOBO is defective. sooner or later i will get the replacement. etc.
will start with intenso-stick(the same one which i backed up to the defective Sata... crazy doing that and data not on cloud. and still unsure if i got hacked. have now sticks seperated from docking-station to avoid cold shut downs when removing cable is needed.
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