External Sata drive(docking station) on Win10 UltrabookNo more Data-access
Had my old Sata-HDD on docking station since some time one week. all of a sudden no more data was shown. partition-type not accepted anymore. tried to change finally could reassociate with Aomei partitions assistent. also deleted partion(no data loss-version) and rebuilt NTFS type. i cannot see data anymore. maybe i must make system-restore? i ran glary utilities.¨pro version.
Support.Microsoft.com > What is System Restore?
System Restore
System Restore is a Microsoft® Windows® tool designed to protect and repair the computer software. System Restore takes a "snapshot" of the some system files and the Windows registry and saves them as Restore Points. When an install failure or data corruption occurs, System Restore can return a system to working condition without you having to reinstall the operating system. It repairs the Windows environment by reverting back to the files and settings that were saved in the restore point.
Note: It does not affect your personal data files on the computer. ...continues ...
In other words, a "System Restore" does NOT care about any of your personal files ... ONLY Windows System files. It is not a "backup" of all of your computer's files!
here is a screenshot. what next?Attachment 10082
its a 2TB- sata drive.
will now check on second ultrabook.
was there an attack?
never seen an alarm with windows defender. do i need better Software?
i used aomei partition assistent but it wouldnt help me seeing data.
what next.why the hell windows 10 all of a sudden is corrupting my external drive?
was there an attack?
similar thing happended to my M.2-sata ssd-stick. no more data access!!!
Do you ALWAYS use the "safely remove" option when you unplug the drive?
Have you tried hooking it up internally to see if it can be read?
"Vegetarians live up to nine years longer than the rest of us...Nine horrible, worthless, baconless years."
 Originally Posted by Steve R Jones
Do you ALWAYS use the "safely remove" option when you unplug the drive?
Have you tried hooking it up internally to see if it can be read?
yes will get new pc and try that out with my dead stick. i was really successful reviving Sata-drives this way(among other software-dos-surface-solution).
will get soon newest raysonic-icybox cloning-station(SSD/M2-combination not direct). also have newest docking station by them and recognized interesting behaviour when M2.sata ssd(good one) was attached. it will not show up on USB-3.1 slot ONLY ON 3.0!
Dont have access to desktop but will buy new one. was best tip.
i must write-protect drives and surf with other computer.
also have troubles accessing data from old hdds. sata and some ide. a lot non-readable or not seen.
will come back when time is ripe.
i wonder if one can trust better ssd 2.5" than M.2.
always had high temp on that nonfaned case- now using fanned clonestations. heatpad with heatplate there.
had to cool it down with cooling pad.
NB: Icybox stopped stelling cloning/dockingstations. second quarter 2023 new tech coming
most certainly those which can hardware detect both types sata and nvme ssds. for cloning.
correction. only MOBO frame base
should have know this one since i had my two old winxp/win7 MOBO from early 2000 fully open. lot of problems also then the cards were not stable and many more. those were the two which were affected-after around 5000 hours-by capacitor plague.
Test Bench Open Air Case Motherboard Computer Frame Base
how about running sfc /scannow? lost the right command. will change docking-station and go to other ultrabook.
ran sfc /scannow. nothing found.
1.cleaned contacts of removed board.
2. asking to be associated, volume created. Not risking data here right? since it will ask to be formatted.
cleaned now a second drive. will show before and after. will clean all i have mainly the ide hhd which will not show up. have here ide-sata docking-station. not all old drives can be mounted thanks to exotic power-contact.the other way round? will use ide-adapter there.
how about chkdsk command?
first i must find out which letter has the drive.
it seems i can really repair my sata-HDD. contacts are cleaned but didnt help. image will follow. found contacts at two locations on board. first saw the multiple contacts after that realized more on other side.
didnt help diskmanagement asking to associate.
2. or wrong file-system possible or GPT versus MBR which one is needed.
in the same link file-system-change have that software but can only test. which free software to make adjustments? Many thanks
Last edited by europanorama; 01-10-2023 at 12:08 AM.
Changing filesystem needed? was using drives on winxp. the affected is a backup/clone-drive.
Now i assiciated the drive. letter: D. it says RAW. next would be formatting. wouldnt i lose all data?
should i now clone this drive and work from the clone? running chdsk d: /f /r ?
dont have a full partition SW and cannot boot from stick. since no access to cmos possible thanks to only external screen and KB.
what next?
Replacing PCB Board Controller(FOUND or Drive for cloning or taking controller of it-
found supplier of boards and drives.
the right one
PCB Board Controller 2060-771945-002 Rev A seen on the back of controller
wrong one?
PCB Board Controller 2060-771945-002
versus the one i have WD20EZRZ-00D8PB0 last 7 digits nonmatching.
i could try. whats the truth?
cloning first to different drive or start cloning to matching drive? what must match for sure?
UPDATE: He has identical controller. hope also drive.
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