Goal is to overclock perhaps 1,30 meaning 30 % the maximum 'speed' of my PC. If i remember right, power source is 550 watts.
Finnish weather conditions are: ~28 celsius + maximum during summer, winter lowest -20 to 25 celsius. In house temperatures vary from 18 to 23 celsius around year... this can be affected with window open etc. house air conditioning.
I dont know the use of prime95, i tried it once with some options and computer crashed.
I guess processor can be overclocked relatively more than graphics card?
I have air cooling, no liquid - 5 to 7 fans can cool quite a lot, though. It is not clear how I make the control panel increase fan speeds according to temperature.
For example new worth-investing game Cyberpunk 2077 i think burden computer and temperatures quite much.
Aim is that I dont succeed to 'burn' the PC, no matter what.
Is it wise to clock RAM memories?
I'm glad to give additional info about this matter.