Goal is to overclock perhaps 1,30 meaning 30 % the maximum 'speed' of my PC. If i remember right, power source is 550 watts.
Finnish weather conditions are: ~28 celsius + maximum during summer, winter lowest -20 to 25 celsius. In house temperatures vary from 18 to 23 celsius around year... this can be affected with window open etc. house air conditioning.
I dont know the use of prime95, i tried it once with some options and computer crashed.
I guess processor can be overclocked relatively more than graphics card?
I have air cooling, no liquid - 5 to 7 fans can cool quite a lot, though. It is not clear how I make the control panel increase fan speeds according to temperature.
For example new worth-investing game Cyberpunk 2077 i think burden computer and temperatures quite much.
Aim is that I dont succeed to 'burn' the PC, no matter what.
Is it wise to clock RAM memories?
I'm glad to give additional info about this matter.
...but that web page is already somewhat familiar to me, does anyone have some more specific, detailed information? Maybe some answers to those things i asked in first question.. otherwise i move on with this, thanks.
One more question: is that nzxt cooler panel familiar to anyone? Adjusting the rpm speeds seem to be quite difficult with any program, only manually from buttons?