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Thread: Professional / Enterprise Centralized Backup for Linux Based Systems

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Professional / Enterprise Centralized Backup for Linux Based Systems

    Hello Dears,
    i am planning to introduce some backup system/procedure for a couple of server we have at our company.

    2 servers HP UX
    2 servers Solrais
    1 server IBM

    i was thinking if there is a good product/hardware that can manage these from a centralized interface and perform
    1- a system image in case of faiulure
    2 - data backups

    i am not sure if it should be NAS or Tape or any other , since one of the reason i am asking is because the lack of knowledge i have.

    Please Advice

  2. #2
    Ultimate Member rraehal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Denver, Colorado, USA
    What type of solution do you want? You can have a purely local backup, mixed online/cloud, or purely cloud.

    I opted for the middle option and use a Barracuda backup solution - they are cloud managed now. There is a hardware appliance where local backups are stored and I buy space in the cloud. My retention policy keeps certain data local and then moves other data to the cloud. There is an agent that installs on each computer (Windows, Linux, Mac). This agent communicates with the cloud to get its backup config (such as the local hardware and how to store on the appliance) and everything is handled via the web interface. De-duplication and cloud transfer are handled on the appliance so your servers do not have much overhead. I have quick restores from the local system and other restores from the cloud. I am a public company who must keep certain data 12 years.

    The previous admin used a cloud only service. I think it was called iDrive but it feels like a consumer solution more than an enterprise solution to me.

    You will need to balance the cost with your needs.
    -- Mathias

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