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Thread: Laptop dead

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2010

    Laptop dead

    Compaq Presario f700 w/2GB Ram and other assorted hw.

    the video went scratchy and wavy and then went black.
    the puter will make PS sounds and spin the dvd, but the display never comes up and the HDD never lights up.

    i can buy a new PC but i'm an author and need the info off the HD

    any advice?

    can i wire the lapptop's hdd to my desktop and retrieve data that way?

    thanx for the help


  2. #2
    Administrator Steve R Jones's Avatar
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    There are all sorts of USB devices that will allow you to plug the drive into another machine.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Member Rocketmech's Avatar
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    Corpus Christi, Texas
    The trouble with the laptop video may be the LCD screen or video card. Try connecting a monitor externally to the laptop. Usually pressing the F4 or F5 key will switch the laptop to an external source., but check your manual for info. If that works, then you could access the files thru networking. If not then the vid card is likely bad and you'll need to pursue a usb option.

    The hard drive should be an SATA drive. Easy access. You have two types of choices, an adapter or external enclosure. Both do the job of adapting your laptop HDD to a desktop. Examples are below, but you should find similar products locally.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for leading me in the right direction. now, to buy a new waste of money...

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Data transfer

    Thanks for the direct links, Rocketmech.

    I just received my new Dell and started to order the Vantech converter because it seems to be the right fit for my application: dead laptop with plenty o'data which needs to go to the new one.
    With your photo instructions - thankew, thankew, thankew - I can remove the HDD from the dead Compaq and power it from the Vantec converter, connect IDE/SATA plug to it, connect USB to my new puter and hit the "move it" switch.
    Am I correct in that?

    So, I also looked at the Rosewell item but I must confess that I'm not sure what it is or what it exactly does. Is it just an enclosed case and power supply for any HDD that I would remove for data transfer as above?

    Thanks again for your advice.

  6. #6
    Lifetime Friend of Staff
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    I use that Vantec product, saved the bacon lots of times too.

  7. #7
    Ultimate Member Rocketmech's Avatar
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    If you mean the "on/off" switch, then yes, that's the best sequence. And yes to the Rosewill question. It's the best solution if you plan on discarding the old laptop. The usual sort, copy their needed data over to the new pc, then format the old drive and use it for backup storage.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Bacon saving

    thank you both for the advice / support.

    i'm opening up the laptop now to get at the HDD.



  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2010

    i found the hidden flaw

    lucky me!

    "The SATA/IDE-USB Adapter gives you the flexibility of connecting almost any type of drive to your computer via USB" -

    and my Compaq SATA isn't in that "almost any" category.

    the connection points on the sata aren't pins or printed ciruits on a flat connector.
    they are vertical blades which don't correspond to any of the adapters from vantec

    would this be an application that would call for the use of one of the vantecproducts involving an external hdd case? would that maybe accomodate more connection types?

    my HDD is an Hewlett Packard 120 gb serial AT disc drive

    other than getting the correct connection, i'm good to go with using this.

    btw - typing one handed for a while - my right shoulder was replaced with some durable metals on monday. so, i know i could search this out on my own, but i really appreciate using your experience this time for the shortcut. thanks


  10. #10
    Ultimate Member Rocketmech's Avatar
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    Corpus Christi, Texas
    Laptop drives are all made to a universal spec. , so, I suspect your referring to an adapter on the drive itself. It should just pull off, usually taking turns prying from each end or it may have screws. The Compaq Presario f700 comes in many models, if you post exact model perhaps we can be specific.

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