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Thread: Beginners Guide to Running DOS Games/Applications on Windows XP/2000

  1. #1
    Your Friendly Editor
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    Beginners Guide to Running DOS Games/Applications on Windows XP/2000

    Use this forum thread to discuss SysOpt's article Beginners Guide to Running DOS Games/Applications on Windows XP/2000 .
    SysOpt's Illustrious Editor

  2. #2
    Ultimate Member
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    Just to let you know Chris, there's some problems with all of the hyperlinks in the articles, you seem to have added


    To the front of all hyperlinks, making them not work properly.

    Also, for anyone interested in the "Turbo" application im having problems with my file hosting at the moment, currently the following links are working:

    Both are limited to one connection at a time though AFAIK

    Last edited by Bigjakkstaffa; 07-12-2004 at 06:24 PM.

  3. #3
    Your Friendly Editor
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    Links are fixed, thanks!!
    SysOpt's Illustrious Editor

  4. #4
    Administrator Steve R Jones's Avatar
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    Windows XP Game Advisor

    Put more fun in your life with the all new Windows XP Game Advisor. Find game information including demos, trailers, screenshots and updates and determine if a game will work on your Windows XP powered computer before you buy!

  5. #5
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    its not working , it says some hardware were unable to bbe identified

  6. #6
    Hooya! Rabbitrunner51's Avatar
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    I have often run into this problem of having games that will only run in DOS and I am not that knowledgeable about how to do this... you know click the Exe. and ge the dos window all blacked out...
    Guess this article has the keys to do this.... Just hope i can siff through the info and put it into pratical application....

    Also, I wonder if this is the main reason why some Windows 98 games will not work on XP. Something to do the file structure in the OS...

    If you are reading this Jak, I wonder if you would be willing to help me with this if I have problems?
    Phenom 2 X4 B35 :ASRock N68C-S UCC: G Skill DDR1333 ( 4GB ): ATI Radeon HD6770 1GB : Logitech X504 5.1 SS speakers.:WD 500GB,&300GB Sata2 HD's ; Liteon Lightscribe 24X DVD/combo Drive : Antec 620C neo PSU: CTL 22"WS

  7. #7
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    Your basically right. Windows 9x was essentially built over the top of DOS. However, this meant that the OS was essentially extremely old and extrememly unstable. With XP/2k (sometimes labelled 'NT5') these stability issues were ironed out, however to do this involved leaving the DOS based file system and developing something 'new and improved', a kind of sawn off dos was included, however XP/2K lack the real thing, hence the problems with backwards compatibility issues with DOS applications


  8. #8
    Ultimate Member Rugor's Avatar
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    One of the issues is that DOS games want to write directly to hardware and NT based OS's don't support this, but rather support writing to the HAL (hardware abstraction layer) which is one reason they are so much more stable.
    "Dude you're getting a Dell." Obscure curse from the early 21st Century, ascribed to a minor demon-spirit known as "Stephen?" [sp].

  9. #9
    Member own's Avatar
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    Here is a page to get the old Build engine games to work on Windows XP. I was able to play Blood perfectly with sound and music, no problems at all.

  10. #10
    Ultimate Member
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    Ah, the build engine, those were the days


  11. #11
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    I Need Help...

    I'm running windows xp pro and trying to play legend of kyrandia 3....i can't get past the video test to play the game. how do i fix this???

  12. #12
    Hooya! Rabbitrunner51's Avatar
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    I usaully get something to the effect of this game will not run in system 32 etc tc....

    According to my expert friend... all you need to do is bring up the dos prompt in Accessories..and type in the run exe. command... from there.

    I think everybody has games they used to play on W98 or older that do not run on XP... some do..for whatever reasons.. One gamwe I just reinstallled is American McGees Alice.. it loaded and runs fine and its an older game.
    Phenom 2 X4 B35 :ASRock N68C-S UCC: G Skill DDR1333 ( 4GB ): ATI Radeon HD6770 1GB : Logitech X504 5.1 SS speakers.:WD 500GB,&300GB Sata2 HD's ; Liteon Lightscribe 24X DVD/combo Drive : Antec 620C neo PSU: CTL 22"WS

  13. #13
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    well.. the best way to play DOS games is DosBOX:
    it's the best DOS emulator and runs almost any game, with sound, except some 3D ones (like Duke Nukem 3D that runs too slow, it's playable but you need a really fast CPU to play at full detail, my 3.0 GHz intel is not enough) try DosBOX and you won't be disappointed. Happy Gaming!!!

    ... although the best way to play DOS games remains an old pc: p1 100-166 MHz, 16-32 MB RAM, 2-8 MB video and a Yamaha PCI or ISA soundcard (or a SB 16/Awe32 if you can find one of these)

  14. #14
    Member Aviator_14's Avatar
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    You can just open the command prompt by going to Start > All Programs > Accesories > command prompt and type in the Drive letter : corresponding to the Drive that you put the DOS game in (D:, E: etc..) and type run or it might tell you what to type in the instructions that came with the game or it might say on the CD itself.

  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    can you tellme how can i play dave(a old game if you remember) in my windows 2000pc.

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