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Thread: United Devices - You can make a difference and help improve cancer treatment

  1. #76
    Senior Member Grentarc's Avatar
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    Wagga, NSW, Australia
    Well, mine was at the stage of non crashing (winxp pro) but then something happened, and now i have alot of errors at startup (i run my machine VER fat... no lean startup for me) now my nomad jukebox detector has problems, and most of the time, i loose all but about 4 of the icons in my systray... and UD isnt one of the ones that stays!.. so i have gone back to the flashy round colorfull style.. and it crashes less often... but i lost the use of my hacked explorer.exe (i changed the label on the start button.. now it says start again.. )

    oh well.. I hjust need to backup my HDD, then a format and re-intstall will fix everything.. i hope

  2. #77
    Junior Member CHAK22's Avatar
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    New York
    Hi all ,I just joined your SYSOPT team on the UD site I was doing the Seti thing but I believe this is a better cause to be involved with so I have both of my computers running a AMD 1.2 ghz.overclocked to 1.35 and and old AMD 450 yeah I know they are slow but a new one is on the drawing board , glad to be part of your team

  3. #78
    Ultimate Member rraehal's Avatar
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    Denver, Colorado, USA
    I have been a member of the SETI team for a while. I downloaded the UD software at work and will be installing it at home. After I have registered I will join the team.

  4. #79
    Junior Member CHAK22's Avatar
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    New York
    Welcome to the team rraehal...........

  5. #80
    Ultimate Member rraehal's Avatar
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    Denver, Colorado, USA
    Thanks for the welcome. I have installed and registered with UD. I have joined the team.

    I will watch my PC and make sure it doesn't over heat but I think I am ready to go.

  6. #81
    Member 3andout's Avatar
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    Dec 2002
    I've been running UD on a my old desktop here for about 8-9 months. I have joined the SysOpt team and hope that the points get transferred over to the running total.

    I'll have to go and see what the desktop has been up to but at last look it was up to about 55,000 points and about 2,000 WU's.

    I'll see if I can "hijack" another infrequently used machine here at the office for the UD program later.


  7. #82
    Member 3andout's Avatar
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    Dec 2002
    Well, it doesn't look like the points, results transfer but you'll have another machine pluggin' away.

  8. #83
    Junior Member CHAK22's Avatar
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    New York
    So far after nearly 2 days of continuous running UD Im running at around 120 degrees so im not too worried about overheating , I have 2 80mm case fans and 1 slot fan going . welcome to the team 3andout

  9. #84
    Ultimate Member rraehal's Avatar
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    Denver, Colorado, USA
    Well, It looks like I will be unable to do this for a while. The 350 I put the client on ran two days and still said it was at 0%. When I ran SETI on this PC it did not work in windows but the command line version could do a SETI WU after 72 hours or more. This PC has problems. I hope to build a new one soon. When it is up, I will join the effort.

  10. #85
    Junior Member CHAK22's Avatar
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    New York

    5000 points

    Hey we did over 5000 points in one day on UD fpr the first time WTG!!!!

  11. #86
    Junior Member CHAK22's Avatar
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    New York
    Well I finally broke 10,000 points on UD and hopefully I will break into the top 10 on the sysopt team soon ,lookout rshield and bobmc im hot on your heels

  12. #87
    Junior Member
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    Seattle, WA, USA

    hot on my heels


    I thought for sure you were going to catch me, and then I started pulling away. What happened?

    One of my work machines is almost never on, so that one isn't contributing diddly-squat, and then I had to disable another work machine for awhile because of completely separate network issues it was having. (Someone decided to use that machine to set up a wi-fi station, then changed their mind, and when they finished, it didn't have internet connectivity at all.)

    I'm disappointed that so many people are working on the SETI project, but relatively few on a worthwhile project like the cancer/smallpox problem.


  13. #88
    Junior Member CHAK22's Avatar
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    New York
    I haven't been doing much in the last few months on Ud as Ive been doing renovations on the house and have had to take my other computers offline as I am upgrading them ,the only one I've got is this one which does F@H , I do check the stats weekly and I too am suprised there aren't more people involved with UD , Seti is a waste of time IMO , hopefully I will be able to get the rest of my rigs back on-line soon

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I joined back up. But did somthing wrong. Cause now Im crunching for small pox? LOL I wanted to work towards cancer treatment. Did I select something wrong during setup? Anyhow gonna look into that. Got any ideas let me know. But Im back in the game. Hehe

    New rig, is a better RAW # cruncher than old by tons and tons.

    XP 2200+ tbred-A (11.5x166fsb)
    Asus Nforce2 A7N8X deluxe mobo
    Kingston pc2700 CL 2.5 256mb x2 for 512mb duel.
    WD800JBL 80gig ata100 hdd, 8mb cache

    Rest really doesnt matter for this project. hehe.
    My max temp so far was only 36c running this. I added a port hole and tube that goes right from cpu fan to case side like I had on my p4 williamette 1.5giger. And the temps are dang near the same!

  15. #90
    Junior Member
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    Seattle, WA, USA
    You didn't do anything wrong with set up, as you may have already discovered by now, you will switch between cancer and small pox or whatever other projects they have. Each new work job downloaded onto your computer seems to be pretty random to me. I'm sure there is some method to it though.

    Welcome to the team. IMHO it's more worthwhile to mankind to work on this project as opposed to SETI.


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