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Thread: United Devices - You can make a difference and help improve cancer treatment

  1. #31
    Senior Member Grentarc's Avatar
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    I've hit the 10,000+ points mark on Sysopt... And i see BipolarBill will be next.

  2. #32
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    UD points dependence. Need advice please

    Would anybody please explain me one fact:
    I have 3 PCs envolved in UD-project: Celeron 1GHz, Duron 850MHz and Duron 750MHz.
    I am processing 3 WU per day for last 2 weeks. My friend has one PC only -- Celeron 550 MHz.
    And what interesting -- I get approximately 300-400 point for my 3 (three!)WU, but my friend get 500-700 points for 1 (one!) WU only . So why?

    I have browsed the UD forum for answer and I got that there no direct dependence beetween PC productivity (and, as result, time of maintaning the WU) and points for completed WU, in spite of declarations on UD official site.

    Does anybody know, is there any trick to get more points for my completed WU? It is very disappointed thing, that I must hard process WUs, and get so low points for this....

    ok, maybe this question is not very urgent, but I do not only want get more points, I want to know Why?

    Thanx a lot for advice.

  3. #33
    Senior Member Grentarc's Avatar
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    it says that the harder your computer works on the WU to get the results, the more points you get...

  4. #34
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    ok, so...

    So you want to say that points depends on the WU processing time? Other words, if I process WU at powerful PC for long time, then I get more points than in case when I finish processing the same WU for shorter time or at weaker PC? Do You? I feel, that there is some dependence -- when I process the WU for long time I get more points too often....

    So what about you, is there something like this at your WU processing history?

  5. #35
    Senior Member Grentarc's Avatar
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    yeah.. sort of... My celeron 600@900 is generating around 600-700 points per unit on average (2-3 days) where as my Athlon XP take a matter of hours to get sometimes 20, sometimes 300 points... (300 piont WU takes about 6-10 hours, 20 piont takes 1-2 hours)

  6. #36
    Junior Member
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    The same situation -- my P2MMX 200 MHz made one WU per 3-4 days, for 400-500 points, but I lost that PC & have only faster ones currently

    Thanx, Grentarc!

  7. #37
    Senior Member Grentarc's Avatar
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    I have a WU at the moment that has taken 16 hrs 30 mins to do 66%.. hope i get alot of points (on my Athlon XP)

  8. #38
    Member Harshu's Avatar
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    Well the points r directly related to the nn of hrs u spend. Suppose u r working for 2 hrs and completed the task. U will get 200 point. Where as my PC take 10hrs to complete the same task. So my PC devoted more time than ur so i will get more points. It is related to no. of hrs.

    Well i m with UD for last 1.2 years completed 43000+ points returned 300+ results on my PII 350, 256MB RAM and 8 GB space on HDD.

  9. #39
    Ultimate Member surrealchereal's Avatar
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    UD figures your scores like this..

    40% is your CPU score.
    25% is your Memory score.
    5% is your Hard Drive space.
    30% is your Network connection.

    You are rated according to how your computer benchmarks.
    So if your CPU is a 1 ghz your CPU score is 100, a 600 mhz is a 60.
    Your memory is based on 384 meg. thats a score of 100. And 512 Ram is a 134.
    Hard drive is 100 if you have 10 gigs free, and tell UD it's alocated to it.
    Your network connection is based on the speed of your connection. I'm not really happy with the Network thing. It's a big chunk of the score. If you happen to fail your network test you will score higher. (100) The network is failed if you attempt to upload and can't then get the unable to connect, and then are able to connect. (say if it was blocked the first time with your firewall)

    All work units are scored only on the time it takes to complete the unit. So if you take and hour on your fast box, your score can be less than a friend on a slow box that takes 12 hours.

    I'm really glad to see you guys crunchin'

    A big Moohoo to you guys


    539,635 crunchin' points
    3 years 117 days of CPU time
    Last edited by surrealchereal; 06-29-2002 at 10:26 PM.

  10. #40
    Senior Member Grentarc's Avatar
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    my HDD score is 196, coz it is allocated 10000 MB, which isnt 10GB, but you cant add anything over 10000MB.. which sucks

  11. #41
    Senior Member TARP2's Avatar
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    You are rated according to how your computer benchmarks.

    I really want to help. How does this matter?

  12. #42
    Senior Member Grentarc's Avatar
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    well... stage 2 of the project looks cooler ..... smother rotating 3d graphics... ohh.. everyone now... "Ohhhhhhhhh"..... :P

  13. #43
    Junior Member
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    East Texas , USA

    Just joined!

    I think.? I have been a contributor to UD since April 2001 and have contributed something like 112,344 points with 1 yr 56 days + processor time and a buncha results to another team. But they are a mute bunch and I think I might like this'n better. I have lurked about a bit and watched the posts and now maybe I'll become visible. I have two 'puters working on UD (AMD 1.2 and K6-2 333) and hope I make some dent. Any dent is a good dent. Definitely a "jolly good cause' for unused cpu resources. I'll keep crunching!

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Just joined the cause hope I can help, don't have a great computer but every little bit helps. The only thing I've noticed is that it raised my temps about 5c degrees but not a problem if I can contribute

  15. #45
    Ultimate Member surrealchereal's Avatar
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    My tbird has been running UD and at about 58 to 61c since I built it last October. We do what we gotta do!

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